Get in touch


How can we help you?

Some Interesting Facts

A Few Interesting Things About Colorpages
  • We are Friendly

    We're committed to guiding you through the process of creating a website, one step at a time, in a friendly and relaxed manner. Most importantly, we really enjoy what we do, and hopefully it shows.

  • We are Passionate

    We have a good understanding of the changing world of web design and web development, and we really enjoy learning new techniques and are passionate about applying best practice to all of our work.

  • We are Experienced

    The experience and expertise we've gained in the web design and development industry over the years allow us to give our clients solid honest advice and deliver highly effective, tangible online results.

  • We are Communicators

    We encourage and remind the whole team to communicate well with our clients. We stay in regular contact with our clients through-out a project and explain in clear, easy-to-understand terms the design and development process.

The ColorPages
Management Team

Over 10 years combined experience in the information technology industry, covering project management, marketing, software and mobile applications and much more.


    Business Development

    Maya's role is to work with your organization at the top level. Maya will ensure ColorPages has your needs understood and that we have proposed the best possible solution for you. She will also ensure you are aware of all our services.



    Srini will provide the overall inspiration and innovation for your project. He will work with the design & development team to ensure your brief is met and where necessary recommend new and creative ways of expressing your organization’s marketing requirements.


    General Support

    The ColorPages team is responsible for managing the work flow of your project; ensuring you are kept up to date at all times. We will confirm timelines and milestones and also make sure you are aware of any items or content we need from you.

How we work

Creativity is crucial, but it's our overall approach that gives it the focus required to make it really work.

  • Collaborate Teamwork

    It might sound like a cliché, but our success is about teamwork. And while it's easy to talk about internal teamwork (our whole team work in-house and in close proximity to one another), it's the teamwork we enjoy with our clients that adds something special. Part of that comes down to attitude, part down to process. Go team!

  • Agile Process

    We run all projects using 'agile'. An iterative process, it includes daily 'scrums' involving key stakeholders that deal with issues and opportunities as they arise, as well as continual communication within the agency. The result is a more reliable, comfortable and faster process – with better results.

  • Ongoing Support

    Once your website, mobile application or digital campaign is up and running beautifully, we won't just sit there admiring it. We'll run training sessions to make sure your staff are completely confident in 'driving' it (updating content for instance). We'll always be there if you have a question. And we'll come back with any other ideas we think could help you.